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Currys & PC World take on Netflix & LOVEFiLM

Curry's & PC World have again joined forces in the retail world, this time to offer a new online streaming and download service for UK customers.

As of March 1st, knowhowmovies.com have offered the streaming and/or download of the latest TVshows, Movie titles to your PC, Ultrabook or MAC (although you can only currently download movie titles to MAC's) for a monthly subscribtion fee of £0

Although you can only currently download/stream the titles to your computer, it's promised that you will soon be able to view them from your mobile smartphone, games console, BluRay player, Tablet & TV

Disney, Momentum pictures, Warner Bro's and Pixar are all on board from he get-go, with 1,500 titles available from 1st March, so it looks like they're ready to give other established services like NetFlix, LOVEFiLM, Hulu, Apple Tv, Google Tv a run for their money in the future.

TV shows cost from 99p to £3.99 for a new show, films from £2.99 to £12.99 and are available in full HD and 5.1 Dolby Surround. This is an exciting time for TV and Movie lovers as competition in the market increases, now you can download and play with a Pico Projector

1 minute read

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