Personal Projector will be launching several pico projector world firsts at the Gadget Show Live exhibition Wed 7th - Sun 11th as well as the chance to win a 3M pocket projector and gain some amazing discounts on LED / Pocket projectors.
On the stand you can
1. See 3 new world firsts from Adapt
- Adapt 450 - 100 lumen LED micro projector battery, SD card, USB port (£399)
- Adapt 450 Pro also includes Digital TV onboard (£489)
- Adapt 210 - first sub £200 pico projector with 20 lumens, onboard memory and laptop connection (via USB)
2. See the new 3M Mpro 150 - 1st pico with pdf/ppt/word viewer. Exclusive discounts £50 off at show only.
3. See the new 2,000 lumen Casio Laser LED projector (perfect low maintenance business projector replacement - a real revolution in projection)
4. Enter a competition to win a 3M Mpro 120 pocket projector
5. Obtain huge discounts off online prices - up to £50 per projector
Visit stand B13 to find out more or contact 0845 121 8800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0845 121 8800 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
For full press release and more info on above click here
Contact Details
April 7-11th
Birmingham NEC
Personal Projector
Hall 12, Stand B13
Tel: 0845 121 8800