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Google uses laser projectors in their celebration of 10 years of Google Adwords

Well it's Happy Tenth Anniversary to Google Adwords and to celebrate they have thanked all their customers with a very clever personalised marketing video which we are happy to share with you.


We especially liked the mini robots trying to spell our company name in the air not to mention the clever domino effect of displaying www.personalprojector.co.uk with 10 million dominos.


Of course our favourite part was the use of the Google laser projector which makes it look like its all sci fi but of course regular readers will already know laser projectors have been around for a while now and on this site we already sell a 3,000 lumen laser projector hybrid and I'm pleased to say they doen't blow up in such a dramatic fashion as seen on this incredible google video.


If you're interested in video, marketing or projection then the Google Video ad is worth 2 mins of your time. Google video.

1 minute read

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