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Ideas to Help Maintain Social Distancing Using Portable Projectors

We understand how much pressure education organisations are under at the moment and think you are doing a great job on the front line, we wish you all the best and hope you are safe.


Here are some ideas to help with the social distancing requirements whilst carrying out your new roles.


If you have an ultra portable projector already, you may find it useful during the crisis for:




    • -Staff / head teachers: Reduce eye strain & increase productivity if working from home with a bigger screen. Use apps like ZOOM to facetime with colleagues


    • -Social Distancing is made easier via the portable projector’s bigger screen instead of using small ipad screens


    • -Back up screen or laptop all in one



        • Create a big screen in any room where there maybe no projector / panel


        • Downloading apps directly onto the projector itself (no laptop required)




    • -E-learning on a bigger screen


    • -Entertainment – movies can be played in any room or in lockdown zones


    • -Incredible portability with mains and battery powered projectors


    • -Wireless / wired connection to laptop, phone or ipad


Staying Connected


Working on a bigger screen enables simpler video conferencing. See everyone on one screen and keeping connected with your colleagues while reducing eye strain.


Keeping Pupils Active & Entertained


Perfect for projecting in alternative spaces where there maybe no current projector to support social distancing and keeping pupils further apart.


As schools are providing child care rather than lesson based care these projectors are great for movies and gaming.


As these projectors are battery operated as well as mains, they can be used almost anywhere.


Multi-Purpose - Use More Than Once


Useful after the crisis for everything from a backup projector to projecting artwork or even digital signage or displays.



These projectors have their own operating system enabling them to work independently like a PC without external devices such as a laptop, phone or tablet.




Portable Projectors: For Remote Working / Back-up


Connect ipads, laptops or even mobile phones and create much larger screens: Benefit from less eye strain and easier for sharing on a big screen, making it more akin to a whiteboard or panel but from a small pocket device.


Pico Genie Polar (Robust, Ultra Portable And Great Value)


Nice bright HD image, extensive wireless connectivity to almost any device and an unrivalled feature list.


Screen Mirroring, Android OS, 500 ansi lumens, tiny, Wi-Fi, Battery.



Pico Genie Polar



Vivitek Qumi Q3+ (Best Combination Of Size And Power)


The perfect pocket projector for field trips or sports halls, the Q3 Plus is a powerful 500 lumens with a 2 hour battery.


Use its many features - such as Android OS with downloadable apps and WiFi - to energise your lessons no matter where they're held!


Qumi Q3


Pico Genie Periscope (Perfect For Art / Special Needs)


Project images from as small as a stamp and up to 120".

View images on the wall or ceiling with one simple twist of the lens ideal for special needs and art.


Screen Mirroring, Android OS, 200 ansi lumens, tiny, Wi-Fi, Battery.



Online classroom tools / apps


Working on a much bigger screen at home will help massively with productivity and reducing eye strain when video conferencing teams, setting tasks, creating documents and marking work.

Below are suggested a list of free apps and classroom tools below that may be of assistance to help share and collaborate with parents, teachers, pupils and staff.


All of the apps can be downloaded onto any of the portable projectors below or simply screen mirrored from a laptop, tablet or phone to the big screen.



Save up to £700 on projectors such as the Acer P8800 with these special offers.

3 minute read

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